About me

Me, well what to say about me!

I want to share with you little about how I got to this path I am now on. I hope you enjoy and hopefully you will continue to share and read my I am a 37 year old woman from Manchester, born and bread and very proud of it!

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Check out my latest blog posts

  • Glastonbury 2024

    Hi lovelies,  I am just about feeling whole again after returning from Glastonbury. I love the festival but wonder if I am getting too old for it. Then when I am there, I feel 21 again! I guess it is much like giving birth, you somehow forget the pain when you hold your child and…

  • In your power

    Hi lovelies, Apil has flown by with lots happening for me. I wanted to write but was finding it hard to find the time. I think I slipped back into that habit of auto-pilot. Wake, school prep for Dylan, then log into work, a full day of using my brain power then feeling so exhausted…

  • Love and Loss

    Hi lovelies, I have a day off work as I use up my annual leave for this financial year. I thought, ‘What can I do with my day?’ There is always housework to do and life admin, I can do some crafts, I can catch up on Netflix or I can arrange to go out,…

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