Category: My thoughts and musings

  • Glastonbury 2024


  • In your power


  • Love and Loss


  • VI in the City


  • Reflecting on a rainy day


  • Axe throwing, yes really!


  • How people see us!


  • What is loss?


  • VI in the City – A moment in chocolate heaven


  • Accessible Software – VoiceOver Vs Jaws


  • Three non-tech gadgets


  • Change in season autumn 2023


  • Cheers to summer

    Cheers to summer


  • Mid 2023 Update

    Mid 2023 Update


  • Lived experience matters

    Lived experience matters


  • The Never Ending Story

    The Never Ending Story


  • Dare to dream

    Dare to dream


  • Strength goes beyond

    Strength goes beyond


  • Reflecting on 2022

    Reflecting on 2022


  • Winter wonderland

    Winter wonderland


  • Change in season

    Change in season


  • Summer Spectacular

    Summer Spectacular


  • New Glastonbury and the ever new me

    New Glastonbury and the ever new me


  • Here we come Glastonbury!

    Here we come Glastonbury!


  • Speedy forty challenge

    Speedy forty challenge


  • My award winning experience

    My award winning experience


  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day


  • Spring and me

    Spring and me


  • Memories and our senses

    Memories and our senses


  • Lets talk about sleep

    Lets talk about sleep


  • Determination



  • A new year resolution

    A new year resolution


  • Christmas is coming and I’m ready


  • The Story Teller and me


  • Routine, Yay or Nay!

    Routine, Yay or Nay!


  • National Massage Competition 2021

    National Massage Competition 2021


  • Steps for CBS

    Steps for CBS


  • What is grief?

    What is grief?


  • The half way point

    The half way point


  • Esme’s Umbrella and Me

    Esme’s Umbrella and Me


  • How CBS has helped me

    How CBS has helped me


  • My Rehabilitation so far

    My Rehabilitation so far


  • Return to normal or the new normal

    Return to normal or the new normal


  • Return to Work

    Return to Work


  • Anxiety in Change

    Anxiety in Change


  • Cooking up a blind Storm

    Cooking up a blind Storm


  • Me and Charles Bonnet

    Me and Charles Bonnet


  • You and your eyes

    You and your eyes


  • Meditation and Me

    Meditation and Me


  • Looking forward with hope and possibility

    Looking forward with hope and possibility


  • Round up 2020

    Round up 2020


  • New Beginnings Five Senses Therapy

    New Beginnings Five Senses Therapy


  • Feel the fear and live anyway

    Feel the fear and live anyway


  • Christmas is coming

    Christmas is coming


  • Lockdown 2.0

    Lockdown 2.0


  • #doAllBlindPeople Think The Same

    #doAllBlindPeople Think The Same


  • My top 5 podcasts

    My top 5 podcasts


  • 5 books that helped my sight loss journey & life changes

    5 books that helped my sight loss journey & life changes


  • Bad Blind Day

    Bad Blind Day


  • Rollacoaster Rehabilitation

    Rollacoaster Rehabilitation


  • Back to school

    Back to school


  • Today is a new day, feel gratitude and learn something new

    Today is a new day, feel gratitude and learn something new


  • Introducing the “Access For Us Blog”

    Introducing the “Access For Us Blog”


  • The beauty of memories

    The beauty of memories


  • Massage it away!

    Massage it away!


  • My Lockdown, Sister Stories and Project Love

    My Lockdown, Sister Stories and Project Love


  • The Voice

    The Voice


  • A letter to Covid 19

    A letter to Covid 19


  • Holistic therapy and Charles Bonney Syndrome. Is holistic therapy Beneficial for CBS?

    Holistic therapy and Charles Bonney Syndrome. Is holistic therapy Beneficial for CBS?


  • Together Vision

    Together Vision


  • Creating awareness with the silent elephant

    Creating awareness with the silent elephant


  • Challenges and Disappointments

    Challenges and Disappointments


  • Looking back to see ahead

    Looking back to see ahead


  • Hide and Seek

    Hide and Seek


  • The Blind Mum

    The Blind Mum





  • Your Garden, the bin, the grabber and the indirect question!

    Your Garden, the bin, the grabber and the indirect question!


  • Life hacks!

    Life hacks!


  • My Cane training

    My Cane training


  • Planning a new support and social group

    Planning a new support and social group


  • Reaching out to the RNIB

    Reaching out to the RNIB


  • Hallucinations ….Charles Bonnet Syndrome

    Hallucinations ….Charles Bonnet Syndrome


  • Esme’s Umbrella

    Esme’s Umbrella


  • …the past is the past

    …the past is the past


  • ….and next…

    ….and next…


  • Henshaws



  • I did it, my first post!

    I did it, my first post!


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