My Lockdown, Sister Stories and Project Love

What I have been doing in Lockdown

Hi lovlies,

So today I wanted to talk alittle about what I have been up to during lock down. It still feels strange saying that! It feels at time we are living a movie, what do you think? 

Like most of the parents in the UK I have been attempting home schooling but if I’m honest it isn’t going the best. I have a new found respect for teachers, I believe they earn every penny! My little man has been great, he does try but his attention span is getting less and less so I have been trying to do some interactive things like baking, art and building things. Getting him away from technology is difficult and I feel guilty as he is talking with his friends on FaceTime for this. I don’t want to take that interaction away as it is so important to remain sociable. I believe humans are sociable creatures dating back as far as the cave man, where they sat around the fire to cook, share stories and tips. This made me think about how we interact as humans these days and it shocked me how much we do this at a distance.  This was happening even before this lock down and social distancing era. Through technology we  are losing that personal, softening supportive interaction. 

As a disabled  woman I was brought up to be strong to deal with my challenges head on without question. This benefited me immensely for a time but it got to the point where I needed to  give voice to my inner-self. On my journey of heeling and self discovery I came across a lady called Gemma Brady. I heard her being interviewed on one of my favourite podcasts, Project Love. Gemma is a documentary film maker who after a life time of listening to people’s stories through film and being sat behind the camera, she wanted to take a more hands on approach. She believed there is nothing more satisfying than a simple   way of sharing. She set up Sister Stories a place where women come together in a circle to share what ever it is they feel they need to give voice to. This is done in a none judgemental, no advise, supportive environment. 

“Stories surround us, empower us, comfort sand deepen our sense of compassion and connection. The act of telling stories is one of the most simple and life affirming experiences we can enjoy together.” Sister Stories Website 

When I read this on the website I thought I need to be apart of this. I believe so much in stories and the power and education they can give to others. It is stories of my life that helps others understand sight loss or helps them to be a little more aware of it. Going on my journey I thought this can only help. I wanted to help so much especially my fellow V I people but how! Through stories and sharing them I believe I can do this so I decided whilst we are in this quiet period and I am on my journey why not train to share this profound experience.

It took 6 weeks of intense training but now I am a qualified Sister Stories facilitator. Where I hope to bring the power of circle, community, stories and sharing to my community. 

I want to invite you to Sister  Stories, a place of  connection, heeling warmth and  acceptance. In our circle we want to invite women of all ages, abilities,  colours, sizes, and thoughts to come and join us in this magical opening experience. A chance to give voice to something that is stuck and needs to be let out into the universe. We offer a safe, comfortable, inclusive space to share your stories, give voice to that inner you. We work in a small group at all levels, holding space in a compassionate, respectful and encouraging way. The time is here for you, a time to have peace, to share or just enjoy the quiet

If you are interested in finding out more about Sister Stories you can here. Within the website there is lots of information about Sister Stories, what it does to how it began. There is also a facilitators section where you can find a bio of each facilitator to see who you feel connected with. My bio is up there, it would be lovely if you would attend my circle but the important thing is that you feel comfortable in your environment in order to share. If that means you choose another facilitator that is fabulous also they maybe closer to where you live and when we get bak to in person circles this maybe more convenient. As you can imagine at the moment all circles are online based through Zoom at present. You can book on to my circle through my Eventbrite page here or keep up to date with my circle times here. 

I am so delighted in a way this lock down happened as it brought me to this work which I hope will bring so many support, comfort, and connection in this time of disconnection. 

As always sending my love to all

Nina xx


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