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    Glastonbury 2024

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    In your power

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    Love and Loss

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    VI in the City

  • Reflecting on a rainy day

    Hi lovelies, Well, it was recently pancake Tuesday and Valentines Day, or as in the Catholic calendar, Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday symbolising the start of lent. Being brought up a catholic I always attended mass on Ash Wednesday and was told I had to give up a vice until Easter Sunday. It got me…


  • Axe throwing, yes really!

    Hi lovelies, Well, here we are hurtling into 2024. How was January for you? The first month of the year can be a mixed experience for people. It can be a chance to start afresh, to organise things or an opportunity to hibernate and slow down. Whatever your experience one thing January is for all…


  • How people see us!

    Hi lovelies, I hope the start to your year is going well. There will be so many blog posts and shares around new year’s resolutions and new beginnings and all that jazz. If you are a regular reader of my blog, you may recall that I like to share reflections rather than resolutions at New…


  • What is loss?

    Hi lovelies, Yesterday I had the day off work because it was the anniversary of the death of someone very close to me. This man was my rock, my supporter, my cheerleader, my friend, and in every way a father figure. My uncle Mike was one of the most important people in my life. After…


  • VI in the City – A moment in chocolate heaven

    Hi lovelies, As the colder days creep in I wanted to share with you a few places I like to visit in my home city of Manchester where I like to relax. They are a mix of venues and places, and all have a place in my heart. They are all accessible and I have…


  • Accessible Software – VoiceOver Vs Jaws

    Hi everyone, This blog is about my journey with screen reading technology. I know, I know, it might sound boring to some and to others it might be a whole new subject to learn about, but it might also be helpful or interesting so here is my journey with the technology so far. If you…


  • Three non-tech gadgets

    Hi everyone, For this post I wanted to share some of the non-tech gadgets that help me. I am not disregarding technology at all because without it I wouldn’t be able to communicate, do my job or live as independently as I do. It is an important part of any sight loss journey. I just…


  • Change in season autumn 2023

    Hi lovelies, It has been a while since I last wrote. I’ve had a busy summer and I wanted to make sure I had some stories to share with you all. As we move into another season, I like to take this time to look back and move forward with my learnings. The summer flew…


  • Cheers to summer

    Cheers to summer

    Hi Everyone, I am writing this blog in my back garden. As I sit here, I can hear the birds singing and the roaring of a summer storm overhead and I am reminded that as in life, in nature there are contrasts of good and bad, scary, yet pleasant things all happening together in unison.…


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