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    Love and Loss

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    What is loss?

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    VI in the City – A moment in chocolate heaven

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    Accessible Software – VoiceOver Vs Jaws

  • New Glastonbury and the ever new me

    New Glastonbury and the ever new me

    Hey lovelies, This is the follow up blog I promised to share my first experience of Glastonbury as a blind woman. In the week before we went I was invited to appear on BBC Radio4 In Touch programme and BBC Breakfast to talk about my return to Glastonbury as a newly blind woman. As a…


  • Here we come Glastonbury!

    Here we come Glastonbury!

    After a 2 year wait we are finally making preparations for my all-time favourite festival, Glastonbury! We secured tickets for the 50th year anniversary in 2020 but the pandemic hit. The festival was postponed and although I understood why and there were much bigger things going on, it was such a disappointment. We just had…


  • Speedy forty challenge

    Speedy forty challenge

    As we move further through spring and begin to see the signs of summer I have a sense of renewal, of hope and warmer more comfortable times. I’m glad that my birthday falls at this time too, in late April. I love birthdays because to me they are an opportunity to pause and reflect, to…


  • My award winning experience

    My award winning experience

    I am just about returning to earth from the excitement and adrenaline of last week’s London extravaganza. I was in the capital for two events, the RNIB See Differently Awards and the Sight Loss Council’s event at The Houses of Parliament where I was meeting Ministers to talk about the work of the organisation. Missing…


  • Happy Mother’s Day

    Happy Mother’s Day

    As it is Mother’s Day, I’d like to share a little about my journey as a mum with a disability. I have fond memories of Mother’s Day. As a child of about 7 or 8, I remember having a clear understanding of what this day was all about – a day to celebrate our mums.…


  • Spring and me

    Spring and me

    Hello lovelies, 2022 is rolling forward at speed and we are now approaching spring. This season seems to naturally encourage us towards new beginnings and clearing out. I’m drawn to reflection and have an urge to shed the winter funk! Do you have any spring traditions? My mum would pull the nets and curtains down…


  • Memories and our senses

    Memories and our senses

    Have you ever had one of those moments where your senses whisk you back in time? It is like you can smell, taste, and feel where you were and who you were with. This happened to me recently. I was scrolling through the films on Disney Plus and there it was, ‘10 things I hate…


  • Lets talk about sleep

    Lets talk about sleep

    January is well underway. I’m catching up on life after the festive break, I’ve got started on new projects and I am doing my best (whilst being kind to myself) to keep my new year promises. With all this activity, I’ve noticed I’m pretty tired this month, so lets talk about sleep. Sleep has always…


  • Determination


    Hi everyone, I’ve been thinking about my 2021 and as I reflected on the challenges and achievements, I realised just how much determination I have. I saw that determination is not something I notice in the moment at the time, it is more like an underlying stubbornness to achieve something I set my mind too.…


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