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    VI in the City

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    Three non-tech gadgets

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    Change in season autumn 2023

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    Cheers to summer

  • A new year resolution

    A new year resolution

    Happy New Year to you all! I hope you’ve had a lovely start to 2022 and got to spend it with those you love, even if that was just yourself. It was positive that we didn’t go into another form of lock down and I’m going to take that positive vibe into 2022. I want…


  • Christmas is coming and I’m ready

    Hello! I have found Christmas to be one of the harder things to adjust to after sight loss. I’m three years in now so I thought I’d share some of the things I have picked up along this particular aspect of my journey. Growing up as a visually impaired person the Christmas prep has always…


  • The Story Teller and me

    Hello! It is a wet and rainy evening in Manchester. I love the sound of heavy rain hitting the window, it reminds me of the ocean as the waves come in over a shingle beach. It makes me grateful for my home that provides warmth and safe shelter for me and my family, I know there…


  • Routine, Yay or Nay!

    Routine, Yay or Nay!

    Hi lovelies, Today I wanted to talk a little about routine and what it means to me. Routines are something that have been a part of humanity for centuries. You can find routine in all aspects of life from religious practice to sports and the daily school run. We may not even realise that we…


  • National Massage Competition 2021

    National Massage Competition 2021

    Hi Everyone, So, I am back in Manchester after a whirlwind trip to London to compete in the National Massage Championships. It was an amazing day. There were so many talented therapists there and to be amongst them was a real pleasure and a great learning experience. The first lady I met in the registration…


  • Steps for CBS

    Steps for CBS

    Hi lovelies, I have been a busy bee since my last blog, not because of the usual summer activities, but because I set myself a challenge and this has been my focus. At the end of last year, I decided that I was going to walk from Exeter to Land’s End. I have family there…


  • What is grief?

    What is grief?

    Hi everyone, Today’s blog post is a little of a hard one for me to write but I thought it was a subject that needed to be shared. Grief is a part of life and it has happened to everyone, even if you think it hasn’t. Everyone has lost a pet whether it be that…


  • The half way point

    The half way point

    Hi lovelies,  I know it has been a while since I wrote a post for you guys but it has been a busy start to the year.    I can’t believe it is nearly half way through 2021! Does anyone else feel like it is flying past? It could just be me and my age, the closer…


  • Esme’s Umbrella and Me

    Esme’s Umbrella and Me

     Hi lovlies, In this post I wanted to share with you my journey and relationship with Esme’s Umbrella. It has been a very interesting and supportive experience so far.  Esme’s Umbrella is an organisation  that provides safe shelter for anyone suffering with Charles Bonnet Syndrome, their friends, family and colleagues. The campaign was set up in…


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