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    Reflecting on a rainy day

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    Mid 2023 Update

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    Lived experience matters

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    The Never Ending Story

  • How CBS has helped me

    How CBS has helped me

    Hi all, It has been a while since my last post, apologies. I have missed writing for you all but I have been quite busy, with starting my therapy practice and taking more of a role in Esme’s Umbrella and volunteering with the sight loss council. Fitting in a writing session has been difficult. I…


  • My Rehabilitation so far

    My Rehabilitation so far

    Hi lovelies, How are you? I am doing well and wanted to share with you my achievements this last week. Those of you who have been following my blog know that I have been having rehab sessions with the sensory team in Manchester. The sensory team are made up of rehabilitation officers and low vision…


  • Return to normal or the new normal

    Return to normal or the new normal

    Hi lovlies, Today I want to share with you the concept of the return to normal or the new normal. Which way do you look at it?  For me and for many the concept of the new normal was around long before the pandemic of 2020 struck. The new normal for me came about in…


  • Return to Work

    Return to Work

    Hi all, I hope this post finds you all well.  How are you feeling about the ease on the 3rd lock down? Are you anxious, confused or excited? There are lots of thoughts, feelings and emotions flying around for everyone at the moment, whatever they are their yours. The last 12 months have been challenging…


  • Anxiety in Change

    Anxiety in Change

    Hi lovlies, I have been working this week on content for my Five Senses Therapy socials and the topic has been about anxiety. I felt I wanted to share with you my experiences of anxiety and how this came out when I went through some life defining changes.  Anxiety is your bodies natural response to…


  • Cooking up a blind Storm

    Cooking up a blind Storm

    Hi all,  In this post I wanted to talk about cooking. Cooking is a necessity for survival. Whether it be a rustic fire or a state-of-the-art hob and cooker, we need to prepare food to eat. I know it sounds basic and your like “come on Nina, tell us something we don’t know!” What if…


  • Me and Charles Bonnet

    Me and Charles Bonnet

    Hi all,  As I sit down to write this my hallucinations are no better.  They are still with me during all waking moments and those ‘awake but sleepy gaps of the night’. I have not yet found a way to escape them but I have definitely made some kind of peace with them. I have…


  • You and your eyes

    You and your eyes

    Hi lovelies, Well, we are into the second month of a new year and still in l, our third one in the UK. I know these are difficult times for many and some have found new direction and meaning within the madness. One thing we do all have in common is the amount of screen…


  • Meditation and Me

    Meditation and Me

    Hello lovelies, “With every breath, the old moment is lost a new moment arrives, we exhale and we let go of the old moment it is lost to us in doing so we let go of the person we used to be. We inhale and breathe in the moment that is becoming, in doing so…


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