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    Axe throwing, yes really!

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    Dare to dream

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    Strength goes beyond

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    Reflecting on 2022

  • Looking forward with hope and possibility

    Looking forward with hope and possibility

    Hi lovelies,  Happy New Year I know it has not been the best start to the New Year for the UK and everywhere else. It is not how we hoped the new year would start. I guess there are people who thought that as soon as the clock struck twelve the madness would be over…


  • Round up 2020

    Round up 2020

    Hi lovelies, Well, it has come to that time of year. Where we stop take a minute and look back at the year, the ups and downs, the achievements and the failures. I think it is a powerful thing to take 10-20 minutes and sit with the following thoughts, whether writing in a journal, creating…


  • New Beginnings Five Senses Therapy

    New Beginnings Five Senses Therapy

    Hi lovelies, So, it has finally come to that time and I wanted to share with you an introduction to my new business. Who would have thought it two years ago that I would be back in the land of employment, self-employment that is, but still very exciting. I am not going to lie to…


  • Feel the fear and live anyway

    Feel the fear and live anyway

    Hi lovlies, Today I want to talk about fear. I know a little deep for a Sunday afternoon. My son as started to have therapy for his fear of dogs in order to see if it is possible for us to have a guide dog. I say we because it is a family decision. Some…


  • Christmas is coming

    Christmas is coming

    Hi my lovelies, Well we are fast approaching that time of year again. The Christmas songs are creeping onto the radio breakfast shows and the Christmas adverts are in full swing. I felt a little disheartened at the prospect of Christmas this year. However the more I hear the jingle jangle of Christmas coming the…


  • Lockdown 2.0

    Lockdown 2.0

    Hi lovelies, How are you all doing? We are into the first week of the second lockdown or as we like to call it in this house, Lockdown 2.0. I mean it feels like we are in some kind of horror/thriller movie so why not have a sequel. We got the tram into Manchester a…


  • #doAllBlindPeople Think The Same

    #doAllBlindPeople Think The Same

    Hi lovlies, Hope you are all keeping well? If you are up north my love goes out to you. I am in Manchester so we are in tier three now fingers crossed we can get through it! We Northerners are made of tough stuff.  I just wanted to check in first. Today I want to share…


  • My top 5 podcasts

    My top 5 podcasts

    Hi everyone, I wanted to follow on from the theme of the last blog post so I thought I would share with you my top five podcasts. As I mentioned in the  last post “five books that helped my sight loss journey and life” listening to podcasts was the introduction to the spoken word and opened…


  • 5 books that helped my sight loss journey & life changes

    5 books that helped my sight loss journey & life changes

    Hi lovelies, Today I wanted to share with you the books that have helped me as my life changed. I have always fought against audiobooks, always preferring the touch and smell of a paperback. I especially loved the ones from the library they had an oaky, musty smell of history to them. You just don’t…


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