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    How people see us!

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    Winter wonderland

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    Change in season

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    Summer Spectacular

  • Bad Blind Day

    Bad Blind Day

    Hi lovlies,  I want to talk a little today about those bad days we can have. You know the ones, you wake up late, you drop a pint of milk on the kitchen floor, you miss your bus and when you finally get to work you realise your shirt is on inside out. Yes those…


  • Rollacoaster Rehabilitation

    Rollacoaster Rehabilitation

    Hi everyone, How are you all doing? I have had a great week. I have had a lot of feedback on my blog and things are moving forward with one part of my new career. Things have been very positive, with a few bumps into doors and trips thrown in for good measure but they…


  • Back to school

    Back to school

    Hi to all Parents and Carers, In this post I wanted to talk little about back to school. It is that time of year and it seems more needed than ever, after lockdown. I want to share with you my views as a disabled parent and the return to school and the challenges that will…


  • Today is a new day, feel gratitude and learn something new

    Today is a new day, feel gratitude and learn something new

    “Today is a new day, feel gratitude and learn something new”. This is the welcome message on my Mac book that I changed months ago. When my computer restarts, which I am not that good at doing and always forget to shutdown properly. Usually I just shut the lid and carry on. Then when my…


  • Our Family Takes to the clouds

    Our Family Takes to the clouds

    Hi all, I hope you are all doing well, sorry it has been a slight break in my posts. We have just returned from our family holiday. I wanted to share with you a little about the experience and challenges that I faced. I also wanted to share with you how my family felt about…


  • Introducing the “Access For Us Blog”

    Introducing the “Access For Us Blog”

    Access For Us Blog is a non profit blog, creating awareness of accessibility for disabled fans. The blog covers anything related to accessibility for concerts, theatre shows, exhibitions, films, cinema, any kind of culture and entertainment. It looks at the good and bad experiences of disabled people and their point of views on accessibility. It…


  • The beauty of memories

    The beauty of memories

    In this blog post I wanted to do something a little different. In the past as a visually impaired woman with some usable sight, all I talked about and focused on is the things I could see. I guess I took it all for granted at the time.  I always remember catching my eye on  something beautiful and…


  • Escape Hunt

    Escape Hunt

    Hi all, So we are back again with another instalment of V I in the City. As lock down is easing we are all starting to get out a little more. Although life is returning to some normality it is still all a little strange. As we haven’t seen members of my family for a…


  • Independence Day – Brewski pub visit

    Independence Day – Brewski pub visit

    Hi lovelies, Welcome to V I in the city, it has been a while since I wrote an instalment for this project. The reason for this is, well you guessed it, COVID-19. As this is all about me in the city as a visually impaired/blind person, it is difficult to write about this if I…


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