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    What is loss?

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    New Glastonbury and the ever new me

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    Here we come Glastonbury!

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    Speedy forty challenge

  • Massage it away!

    Massage it away!

    Hi lovely readers, As I sit and write the  temperature is  at its highest record this year, 30 degrees. At this moment in time I am grateful for lock down as we have our friends coming over for a BBQ, social distancing of course. Before they get here I wanted to share with you this blog post…


  • My Lockdown, Sister Stories and Project Love

    My Lockdown, Sister Stories and Project Love

    Hi lovlies, So today I wanted to talk alittle about what I have been up to during lock down. It still feels strange saying that! It feels at time we are living a movie, what do you think?  Like most of the parents in the UK I have been attempting home schooling but if I’m…


  • The Voice

    The Voice

    Hi lovlies, So I know the title of this blog post may have thrown you a little and you maybe expecting a review or chat about The Voice singing show but I have something much more exciting to share with you. I want to talk today about our voices! Our relationship with our voice, our…


  • A letter to Covid 19

    A letter to Covid 19

    I want to dedicate this blog to all the vulnerable that have been directly effected or their lives continue to be made more challenging by the Corona virus. I would also like to dedicate it to the front line workers not just the NHS staff (which I am not dismissing the amazing work they are…


  • Holistic therapy and Charles Bonney Syndrome. Is holistic therapy Beneficial for CBS?

    Holistic therapy and Charles Bonney Syndrome. Is holistic therapy Beneficial for CBS?

    Hi there,  So I have been pondering the above question for a while and still haven’t really made my mind up. Perhaps I should explain why I have chose to write about this in todays blog. When I lost my sight in August 18, I developed a condition called Charles Bonney Syndrome. This is a…


  • Lights Camera Action

    Lights Camera Action

    Hi you lovely cinema goers, In this instalment of V I in the City I want to share with you my experience of my cinema trip a few weeks ago.  It was date night and I didn’t want to just do the usual thing we do, go for food and then the pub! I wanted to…


  • Together Vision

    Together Vision

    Hi everyone, So I have been looking back through the posts I have wrote and I saw in one that I mentioned I was setting up a support and social group for blind and visually impaired adults 25-45. Well I thought I would give you an update on this.  The group has been running since…


  • Creating awareness with the silent elephant

    Creating awareness with the silent elephant

    Hi all I had the pleasure of being part of the start of a wonderful project created by Fresh RB a visual production social enterprise company that focuses on creating short films around marginalised health themes. The team have established the project now in two schools in north Manchester.  The Silent Elephant project The project…


  • VI in the city part 2!

    VI in the city part 2!

    Hi all, This is my second instalment of VI in the city. In this blog I want to talk about eating out. We all love a night out on the town and for some that is enjoying a really tasty meal in a great restaurant, bar or becoming ever more popular street food! I want…


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