Hi lovelies,
Welcome to V I in the city, it has been a while since I wrote an instalment for this project. The reason for this is, well you guessed it, COVID-19. As this is all about me in the city as a visually impaired/blind person, it is difficult to write about this if I can’t get out in the city. In this blog post I want to share with you my first social outing since lock down has relaxed as a visually impaired visiting a pub.
July 4th! This day already has some meaning, well to the Americans a least. This is their Independence day and is celebrated in many extravagant and magnificent ways. July 4th to British people has also become an infamous day. The day the pubs and restaurants opened. This no doubt has had a very mixed reaction, from outright disgust to elated relief. I myself fall in the middle somewhere. I can see both sides of the opinions but if I’m honest I was just too excited about going out to eat. Getting out of the house is an empowering thing for me. Since lock down my CBS (Charles Bonnet Syndrome) has worsened and my independence has taken a knock. We all have to treat ourselves now and then so getting out the house to have someone cook for us and me not have to do the pots again was such a treat and I was happy and felt confident in the owners responsibility to create a safe place because, as a previous cafe owner, I know I would have done the same thing.
There is this bar in Chorlton where I live, called Brewski. It is Canadian themed and the food is AMAZING! They do a dish called Pootine, it makes my mouth water just thinking a about it. It is basically chips, cheese and gravy with a choice of topping. I always have the buffalo fried chicken. I don’t know what exactly it is about this dish that makes me feel so happy. Maybe the simplicity of it or the combination. I just know I felt very satisfied on the way home. Perhaps feeling of complete joy was somewhat due to the customer service and how they managed the return to somewhat normality.
As we approached the bar, I could tell there were people sat on the benches outside. It did sound quite busy and I was a little nervous. Steve, my husband, reassured me that it wasn’t too busy and the tables were set apart. As we entered there was a slight mix up on bookings so as they were sorting that Dylan, my son, gave me a rundown of the layout. He told me there were tables apart on the main floor and that the booths had plastic screening to safely separate each booth. There were several hand sanitiser stations throughout which was comforting, although I did bring my own as finding one of those stations alone would be a trick. After sitting the staff were friendly and explained everything well. We ate, and I actually poured a pint from the pump! We had a lovely early Saturday evening out with the family.
This was something we all really enjoyed and was so beneficial for us all. I know that there are fears of a second peak in the corona virus but I truly think that as long as people continue to be considerate of others and take precautions, why can’t we get back to some kind of normality. I look forward to experiencing more restaurants and seeing how each business approaches their customer care. I also look forward to seeing how they react to a blind person as this is a difficult and worrying situation with businesses not taking disabled customers into account when placing Covid safe procedures. I look forward to sharing with you my results and reviews of city life as we get back out there.
Sending love, stay safe.
Stay safe
Nina xx
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