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    In your power

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    Reflecting on a rainy day

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    Axe throwing, yes really!

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    How people see us!

  • Mid 2023 Update

    Mid 2023 Update

    Hi Everyone, It has been a while since I have written for my blog. Hope you haven’t missed me too much! I have not had the best start to the year. The universe continues to throw curve balls my way. In January I lost the most important man in my life to Cancer. My uncle…


  • Lived experience matters

    Lived experience matters

    Change is on the way for me professionally which is exciting and a little nerve racking at the same time. I have accepted and start a new role next month with Visionary, an organisation that supports the sight loss sector.    Since losing my sight my two passions have been supporting people with their wellbeing…


  • The Never Ending Story

    The Never Ending Story

    I was sat with my son yesterday discussing movies. We were talking about how different they have become. How the effects have changed, the stories and the budgets. I was sharing and describing the films I’d watch at his age, like The Goonies, Edward Scissor Hands, The Breakfast Club, Masters of the Universe and Don’t…


  • Dare to dream

    Dare to dream

    This week I have been checking in with where I am right now on this journey, the one they call life. Many of you will know from reading my blog that I am blind but that is not where my identity stops, rather it is where is begins. I am an entrepreneur, mother, creative and…


  • Strength goes beyond

    Strength goes beyond

    I am writing this post from bed as I am finding it difficult to sleep. My uncle recently passed away. His name was Michael and I called him Mikey. He was a character, a definite one in a million. As I sit and think about the adventures and laughs we had together I can’t help…


  • Reflecting on 2022

    Reflecting on 2022

    Hi everyone, I hope you’ve all had a restful and enjoyable Christmas. If you’re anything like me, you ate far too many mince pies and are about to begin a detox period! I can’t quite believe 2023 has begun already, but as I sit here at my laptop and reflect on 2022, it was certainly…


  • Winter wonderland

    Winter wonderland

    It has been a while since my last blog, so I hope you are well and have begun to slow down as we tend to do this time of year. I want to share what I have been up to and how I have begun to prepare for the cold days and nights. I also…


  • Change in season

    Change in season

    As the summer closes and the temperature drops, I wanted to check in with you because I feel a mix of emotions at this time of year. I am most definitely a summer girl, I love nothing more than the summer sun warming everything from me to the plants and drying the washing on the…


  • Summer Spectacular

    Summer Spectacular

    Summer Spectacular Hi lovelies, I hope you all had a special summer. It was a hot one in the UK this year. How did you cope with the heat wave? I survived with an endless supply of ice pops and lying flat in a shallow paddling pool. I always say to my son that I…


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