Winter wonderland

It has been a while since my last blog, so I hope you are well and have begun to slow down as we tend to do this time of year.
I want to share what I have been up to and how I have begun to prepare for the cold days and nights. I also want to open up about the challenges I have encountered.
I love Christmas and the festive period in general. It has a sense of warmth and joy, I notice how people seem more willing to engage and ask how you are.
We had our Sight Loss Council Christmas party at the start of December and even though it was only early in the month the staff at the restaurant were in full celebration mode. They were amazing, so helpful and kind. It makes all the difference to the experience when someone is respectful and considerate of your needs. This was a great start to the season for me.
I have been promoting my massage business near where I live to encourage local support. I delivered flyers with a herbal tea attached to encourage each recipient to take five minutes to themselves and enjoy a warm delicious tea. It is a great way in the cold winter months to reflect and recharge. I have had some wonderful ladies come and enjoy a treatment, and I hope to meet more.
I have also been playing around with my essential oils to create some comforting blends to support the body and mind. One of my favourites is a mix of orange, pine and cinnamon and I have enjoyed this in a bath or straight into the diffuser. It is a sweet and warming blend. If you give it a try please be cautious of the cinnamon on the skin, always check with a trained aromatherapist or pharmacist before using.
I have been going out alone more, using my long cane to navigate the world outside. Going out solo in the frosty weather was a new challenge. It doesn’t matter how many times I do this there is always a small sense of anxiety, fear and self doubt but the more I do it the better I manage it. I had a doctor’s appointment which I wasn’t about to miss given how hard these are to come by these days. The paths were icy and the fallen leaves were frosted up which meant my sound cues were very different. It was a hollow and crisping sound. This threw me at first but I stopped and took a couple of deep breaths to reassure myself. I took my time, taking in everything around me. I really connected with my other senses in this situation and was grateful for the work I do with the senses.
You will be happy to know I got there and back safely. I met my neighbour and had a chat along the way and there were a few people that offered help and I took it where I needed it and politely refused where I didn’t. Like anyone I like to be in control of myself.
I put my Christmas tree up this weekend and that is always a fun time. It hasn’t got any less enjoyable without sight. I did, however, get less help as Dylan is losing interest in it, well the hard work anyway. I am sure the enjoyment will return to Dylan as it did with me.
My tree is full of items I have collected over the years and every year I hang them I am reminded of the memories that go with them. This little path down memory lane is still a very pleasurable thing to do and figuring out where they need to go is great brain training.
Work is beginning to pick up and there are new projects coming in which I will share with you soon. The Five Senses Therapy Christmas party was last weekend and even though it is only a party for three, made up of myself and Kath my friend and personal assistant and our good friend Karen it was a fun filled night with loads pf dancing and laughter. I have always found dance as a great way to escape, give it a go the next time you hear a favourite tune!
I’d like to hear what you do in the weeks leading up to Christmas so please share in the comments below. I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and have a joyful, restful and nourishing season.
I will be back for my end of year reflections toward the end of December, until then take care!
Nina xx