A new year resolution

Happy New Year to you all!
I hope you’ve had a lovely start to 2022 and got to spend it with those you love, even if that was just yourself. It was positive that we didn’t go into another form of lock down and I’m going to take that positive vibe into 2022. I want to take a look at some of the new year resolutions people maybe thinking of and share what I’m will be planning.

New year resolutions originated from the ancient Babylonians in 2000BC. They celebrated the new year with a 12-day festival called Akitu. It began with the vernal equinox, which was the start of the farming season, the crowning of their king plus making promises to clear any debt. We have come a long way from this – the twelve-day party bit sounds fun! – but there are many similarities. Clearing debt will be one of many resolutions being made this January.
Some resolutions I have made in the past include giving up chocolate, to stop drinking alcohol, lose weight, doing more exercise, spending more time with family, organising my house, planning the year ahead in a diary, taking more trips, eating more fruit, the list could go on and on. I have stuck to some of these for more than a few weeks, surprisingly I lasted longer with the more difficult ones. I love a good challenge so this must have spurred me on.
Resolutions should be an enabler; they should help and support us with personal growth, not make us feel worse about ourselves.
These days I don’t do resolutions in the same way. A friend told me she didn’t make resolutions because she thought there was no point because she’d fail anyway. This upset me and made me think about the resolutions I make each year. I realised I was making a long list of unrealistic resolutions each January which added pressure to my life instead of making things better. Resolutions should be an enabler; they should help and support us with personal growth, not make us feel worse about ourselves.
Today I think if we are making the resolution, why can’t we make the rules for them too!
I now make fewer promises to myself and make bite sized goals for each. Breaking them down means I’m not overwhelmed by them and can work towards them piece by piece. For example, when I wanted to cut down on a vice like booze or chocolate, I’ve set myself a goal each week.
When it comes to resolutions that have involved planning or achieving something, I would break it down again but in reverse. If I wanted to take more trips for instance, I would start of small booking in a day trip by spring then a weekend away by summer and so on. This can approach can work for anything.
I’m new to this planning malarkey, I was always a fly by the pants kind of girl, but that doesn’t work for me anymore. The one thing I need to work more on is accountability so this year I’m going to share my commitments with a friend and ask them to check in with me every month or quarter. This way I can keep myself on track and pick up or ease off where I need to. Easing off is also as important as firing up. There should always be a good balance because being kind to ourselves is so important.
I hope this has given you some food for thought and good luck with your resolutions if you have chosen one. Maybe it is a plan or a hope, however you are looking forward to 2022 I wish you all the luck, hope and love for the year ahead.
Nina XX